Meet Dr. Tsai

You were probably expecting to see my professional credentials. We’ll get to those in a minute.
But first, I’d like to tell you a little bit about myself and give you some of my background…
After all, I’m guessing that a bunch of letters behind my name doesn’t mean that much to you anyway. What you’re really wondering is, “Who is this guy, and what makes him qualified to take care of me and my family?”
First of all, I have been where you are right now. As a child, I enjoyed sports and loved being outdoors – still do. But as active as I was, looking back on it now, I was never what I would consider a healthy kid. I was physical like most kids, but never really understood the concepts of exercise and definitely was not schooled in nutrition or good dietary habits. In fact, my idea of a balanced meal was a bag of Doritos washed down with Nestle’s Quik.
I was competitive in high school track, but lacked the guidance and know-how to get enough out of my body to really excel at the sport. I also got my first real taste of the “medical model” after suffering a track related knee injury. As you may have guessed, I wasn’t impressed.
And then came the “Awakening”…
Having been a math and science geek, I was accepted to Penn State’s engineering program. I think it took me less than a semester to come to the realization that engineering was not for me. Well, you know what they say about blessings in disguise. It was also during that time that I was introduced to chiropractic. The more I studied it, the clearer it became that it was my calling. I dove in head first and have not slowed down since!
Thanks to chiropractic, and the right lifestyle habits to complement it, my life and health went from mediocre at best to excellent in just a few short years. Chiropractic and a principled, healthy lifestyle are not rocket science. The same core habits and life patterns that I have implemented are reproducible. My passion now is teaching others how to transform their lives just like I did mine.
I went on to receive my Bachelor’s of Science with a concentration in Anatomy and Physiology from the State University of New York. I then earned my Doctor of Chiropractic degree from New York Chiropractic College in 1996.
I am constantly expanding my scope of knowledge and experience through continuing education, community outreach, and public service.
My wife and daughter mean the world to me, and my free time is spent with my family. Physical activity remains a constant in my life. I love to exercise and still enjoy being outdoors. Hiking and biking are among my favorite activities. If you see me out on the trails, be sure to say Hi!