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30 Day Get Healthy Challenge, Day 5

day 5

The dreaded “E” word.

If the thought of exercise intimidates you, or makes you nauseous, then just think of it as “movement” or “activity”.

The positive effects of regular exercise include increased energy, more efficient elimination of toxins, bolstered self-esteem, stronger muscles and bones, greater oxygenation of the body, maintenance of proper body weight, stress reduction…Need I go on?

You don’t need to pull heavy  deadlifts every day or train for the 1/2 marathon.  Just move.

Find an activity you enjoy and get moving.  Hike through the woods. Do some jumping jacks or jump rope. Ride your bike. Run some stairs.  Play a game of tag or touch football with your kids.

If you can’t endure 30 minutes of continuous exercise, break it up into 3 ten minute segments to start, and then gradually marry them all together as you are able.

No more excuses!  Time to get moving!

Dr. Joseph Tsai, D.C.



Dr. Joe Tsai is a chiropractor and health coach dedicated to helping you live up to your maximum potential. You can contact him directly at