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30 Day Get Healthy Challenge, Day 4

day 4

“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn.”

-John Muir

Doesn’t it sometimes seem like we are all part of some massive human experiment?

Plop us all in climate controlled boxes with concrete under our feet while we absorb radiation.  All while sitting under florescent lighting.  And just to break up the day, what do you say we chow down on something resembling Play-Doh, only less nutritious and way more chemical-laden?

And then years later at the end of it all we’ll see how we’re making out.

Whether you work in a cubicle, a warehouse, out of your car, or actually outdoors, today’s challenge is to get outside more often.  Just for the sake of being outside.  To walk in nature. To listen to the sounds.  To smell the dirt and the leaves, and the decomposing forest.  To soak up the sun.  To feel the rain on your face and the wind blowing through your hair.  To hear the crunch of the snow under your feet.

Get outside. Forget everything and just be.

Dr. Joseph Tsai, D.C.

Dr. Joe Tsai is a chiropractor and health coach dedicated to helping you live up to your maximum potential. You can contact him directly at